Of course, the timing of your social media posts is just a starting point: the success of the perfect social media post depends on several factors. One of these factors is, for example, the market in which your organization operates: that's why it's important to know when your target audience is online.
This blog is the starting point for your experiments to determine the best time for your account. Want to get started right away with the best times for your account? The easiest way to schedule your posts at your ideal time is by using Prime Time in Coosto's social media planner.
Based on previous posts, this handy feature calculates which times have yielded the greatest reach. With just one click, you can select the best time to post for each channel. Choose the best time to post for your account, the best time for your industry, or the best time for the platform in general.
Not a Coosto user yet, but curious about the best times per social media platform? We investigated the reach of tens of millions of public posts on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, X, Pinterest, and YouTube using the data in Coosto. The result is an overview of the times and days when generally a lot of reach is generated. A useful starting point for your timing experiment!
What are the best times to post on Instagram?
What are the best times to post on Facebook?
What are the best times to post on LinkedIn?
What are the best times to post on X?
What are the best times to post on YouTube?
What are the best times to post on Pinterest?
How to efficiently post on social media at the best times in 2024?
Best day to post on Instagram
Monday and Wednesday
Peak times for reach on Instagram
As you can see, the numbers for each day are very close. Monday and Wednesday slightly stand out, but other days also generate a lot of reach. Saturday is the worst day to post on Instagram if you want to reach the largest audience possible.
Throughout the week, there are several peak times: Monday and Friday in the early afternoon and Wednesday morning. All within working hours, but as mentioned, the weekend is certainly not inferior to the other times.
Best day to post on Facebook:
Sunday and Monday
Peak times for reach on Facebook
Start your week strong if you want to achieve more reach on Facebook: Sunday and Monday are the best days to post on this channel. And don't underestimate the reach of this platform, as Facebook still belongs to the largest social media channels today, making it an important platform to include in your content strategy.
The peak times also occur on these days: there is a clear peak in the afternoon hours for both Sunday and Monday. If you want to spread your Facebook posts a bit better throughout the week, Thursday morning is a good time for your post.
Do you want to get the most out of your Facebook posts? We already gave the tip in our blog about the Facebook algorithm: both relevance and interaction with your posts play a crucial role in success. So, provide substantive, strong posts that truly appeal to your target audience and provoke likes, comments, and shares.
Best days to post on LinkedIn
Monday to Friday
Peak times for more reach on LinkedIn
The focus on business of LinkedIn is reflected in the numbers: you achieve the most results on weekdays and during office hours. The best hours for a maximum number of impressions are at 10 am and 4 pm. Posting outside office hours significantly yields less: the number of impressions is far from noteworthy during those times.
When we zoom in on peak moments, Monday afternoon, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday afternoon, and Friday morning are the moments when your posts generate more impressions.
In short, focus on office days and hours if you aim for more reach on LinkedIn!
Best days to post on X
Peak times for more reach on X
For X, we see a fairly even spread across weekdays, where Monday peaks slightly. Sunday generates the least impressions. When looking at the interaction per hour, we see a clear peak in the afternoon. At 1 pm and 5 pm, the most activity clearly takes place on this platform, resulting in a larger reach.
Conclusion: the beginning of the workweek clearly yields the most results. If you want to take advantage of peak times on X, further zooming in reveals that Monday afternoon at 4 pm is the best time to post. We also see more activity on Tuesday morning and Saturday afternoon.
Best days to post on YouTube
Monday and Thursday
Peak times for views on YouTube
On YouTube, the goal is clear: achieve as many views as possible. Since this platform is number 1 among the most used social media channels, it can definitely be worthwhile to delve into the best times to upload your videos.
Monday and Thursday stand out as the best days. The general peak times occur at 10 am, 12 pm, and 3 pm. If you want to look even more specifically at the best moments, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday mornings by far generate the most views. Thursday afternoon is also a peak moment: between 2 pm and 4 pm, there are many viewers on the video platform.
Best day to post on Pinterest
Tuesday and Sunday
Peak times for more reach on Pinterest
Pinterest is the odd one out when looking at this overview of social media channels. Looking at the number of impressions on this platform, it is lower than on the above-mentioned social media channels.
However, there are a few clear peak moments to discover if you want to achieve more impressions on this platform. Sunday evening and Tuesday morning clearly generate more reach than other days.
The time-bound nature is much less strong on Pinterest, so it won't come down to the minute here. This platform is characterized by the long lifespan of a post: pins are found years after placement. So, don't hold on too tightly to these times!
As mentioned, this overview is ideal as a starting point to further experiment with the best times for your social media accounts. Want to approach this more efficiently? That’s possible! Publish in Coosto allows you to easily schedule and publish from one platform to all your social media channels. Prime Time automatically determines the best times for each channel and your account specifically, using AI technology. This way, you don't have to delve into the data yourself, and you can post with just one click at the best moment.
My personal motivation to participate in Alpe d’HuZes stems from a strong desire to help combat the disease. I've had this feeling for a long time, and it grew stronger when I started my own business. My first company sponsored good causes from the very beginning, and I was fortunate that the business allowed for it. I believe that when you are in a unique position as an entrepreneur to sponsor good causes, you should do so. Entrepreneurship is not just about starting new ventures, growing revenue, or making a profit; it is also about making connections, development, life, and contributing to society.
From the start, Coosto has sponsored various good causes, but a few years ago, we decided to fully focus on sponsoring cancer research and treatment. This includes supporting organizations like KWF, the Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, smaller and sometimes personal initiatives, and we have been proud sponsors of the wonderful Alpe d’HuZes for eight years now.
As the years pass, I'm now 53, I have become increasingly aware of how lucky I am that my family, immediate relatives, and friends are in relatively good health.
I often reflect on the special things in life, such as the fresh scent of an early morning or freshly cut grass, the colorful display of clouds and light during a sunset, peacefully grazing cows in a meadow, or an energizing techno percussion set blasting from the speakers during a car ride. I can enjoy these things without worry, without medical stress, and that feels like pure happiness. I wish this for everyone. All these so-called givens are no longer so obvious when you are ill or when someone you love is sick. These 'trivialities' then suddenly become special moments of happiness.
Of course, this is different for everyone, and everyone experiences it in their own way. But if my company and I can contribute, even if it is just a drop in the ocean, to fighting cancer with the goal of increasing moments of happiness, then that is the best thing there is.
As mentioned, I am an entrepreneur, and from that background, I also wanted to participate and ride up the mountain as an Alpe d’HuZes participant. I love challenges, especially when they are tough.
In 2023, it was time; we participated for the first time, not just as sponsors but also by cycling and running. Being opportunistic, I thought I could just ride up the mountain. After all, it was just over 15 km; I used to cycle that distance to school, it couldn't be that hard. I started training by cycling about 40 km every weekend. With three months to go and extreme weather like snow and frost, I bought an indoor bike trainer to train at home. The advantage of this device was that I could simulate the climb of Alpe d'Huez, and that became my new training goal: climbing Alpe d’Huez as often as possible on the indoor trainer in the attic.
The first time I did it, I was in for a rude wake-up call. I started too fast, and as a result, 30 minutes later, I was completely exhausted and could barely move forward. It was one of my toughest sports experiences ever. I finished the training, but I was utterly wrecked, and the next day I could barely walk due to muscle soreness. That was a serious wake-up call. I realized I had severely underestimated it and that serious work was needed.
I began by reading up on how to train for climbing a mountain by bike. I read training schedules, watched various YouTube videos, and, on the advice of an enthusiastic cycling colleague (thanks for the tip, Stan), listened to the 'Beter Worden' podcast by Laurens ten Dam and gradually adjusted my training. I learned how to train based on wattage, how to adjust my diet, incorporate varied training, and the importance of a good night's sleep. Ultimately, the preparation for 2023 was too short, but I couldn't complain; Team Coosto did fantastic, and it left us wanting more, so we signed up for 2024 immediately.
This time, I planned to start training much earlier, but unexpected business circumstances threw a wrench in the works, and then my mother suddenly passed away. This combination resulted in little training. In the last few months, I have been able to train relatively well. Long rides on weekends of four to five hours, combined with hill training and intervals on the indoor trainer. The result is okay; it could be better, but I am glad I can participate given the circumstances, and I am looking forward to it immensely. It will be an amazing, yet emotional and impactful experience that I will savor to the fullest.
Regarding the sponsorship money, I have decided to personally double the final amount I raise. Hopefully, this will encourage everyone to give generously, but know that every donation is greatly appreciated.
I want to thank everyone in advance for their support, and of course, I will give everything I have on the mountain! 🙂! One last important word:
Don't forget to enjoy life, the little things, the big things, keep things in perspective, and go for it. It's not tomorrow, but now! ❤️
Do you want to contribute to Toine's mission to fight cancer? Donate here!
The rise of AI tools comes with abundant opportunities, especially for marketers and communication specialists. The latest AI technologies enable more efficient content creation than ever before. For social media posts, AI-generated texts prove to be a real asset in terms of efficiency and time savings.
However, there is also a negative connotation attached to all these developments: is our work as marketers soon to become obsolete, taken over by the latest AI technologies? The rapid advancements in this field occasionally fuel significant concerns. There is no reason for fear or uncertainty, if you ask us. AI allows us to work more efficiently and should be seen as a tool rather than a replacement. Crucially, as a marketer, you must know how to leverage these AI developments to your advantage. This is where the opportunities lie: being able to apply AI to your daily content creation, making you more efficient. Keep on reading if you want to know how!
ChatGPT is now widely used for automatically generating high-quality content. The benefits are clear: thanks to this AI technology, you save a tremendous amount of time in writing texts. The strength of ChatGPT lies in its versatility and adaptability to effortlessly create tailored content in line with your brand and market.
However, writing a prompt requires some skill. It can be a bit challenging to figure out how to give the tool the right instructions to get suitable content as output. It's not just about providing the right data, but also a certain mindset to work with. A simple prompt in ChatGPT can lead to various outputs. But there is an easier way to quickly create suitable social media content.
The AI Content Generator in Publish, Coosto's social media planning module, is designed so that you get customized content with just a few clicks. The answer to uninspired moments or searching for the right words to effectively reach your audience. How does it work? Very simple.
Select the main goal of the social media post: more reach, interaction, or conversion. Then it's a matter of providing the right input. Describe with a few keywords, sentences, or a slightly longer description what the content should be about. The more specific the description, the better the output. Then choose the desired tone of voice: this can be done using a term like formal, humorous, or enthusiastic. You can also choose to embody a well-known character with a distinctive way of speaking, from Donald Duck to Barack Obama.
Finally, choose the desired language: Dutch, English, and Spanish are among the options. This way, you reach not only the local audience in your own country but also a larger and international audience! It's time: automatic content generation can start. Click the button, and voilà! Your tailored content is ready to be shared on social media.
Generating social media content automatically is a breeze. But where do you draw your inspiration for new content? And how do you ensure that your social media posts align with the current conversation? Or better yet, anticipate emerging trends so that you're the first in your market to latch onto a groundbreaking topic.
The answer lies in Coosto's Discover. In this module, our tool analyzes millions of sources in real time and organizes all content based on algorithmically calculated Trending Scores.
Bonus tip! Pick a trending article that’s relevant for your target group and simply copy the title of this article. Paste the copied title into the ‘topic’ field of Coosto’s AI Content Generator and adjust the goal, tone of voice, and language. In a split second, you will have trending content to be shared on all your social media platforms.
Whereas social media has become a filter on reality over the past years, TikTok brings back a sense of authenticity to the social media landscape. TikTok is an endless source of catchy video content, bringing us one step closer to reality. The content on this platform can be described as raw, real and realistic. Spending hours editing to create the perfect video? Forget it, TikTok fans would much rather take a peek into your reality.
Another thing that makes the social media platform so popular: the user is in control of which content returns to the FYP page more often. TikTok's algorithm determines based on the viewing time per video which content is liked and which is not. Based on that, TikTok then shows similar content. For hours, users scroll through the endless stream of videos they find interesting. And therein lies the secret behind TikTok's success: it is incredibly addictive. As an organisation, this is the perfect opportunity to reach a large audience.
X is the perfect social media platform for quick updates and news articles. This social media channel is the online spot to create a large reach: if you manage to create a domino effect with your content, then X is the opportunity to make world news. So, on this social media channel, the general advice is to post right away on X.
But not every post on X is as time-bound as just mentioned. Are you aiming for specific results, such as more engagement or conversions? Then you'll find the perfect moments here to achieve those goals. That's why we delved into the numbers and researched the ideal times for maximum results for each of those goals.
Best day to post on X
Peak times for more reach on X
For X, we see a gradual decline in reach as the week progresses. Our tip: post at the beginning of the week if you want to create a large reach with your post.
Do you want to post on a different day? Peak times on X occur around lunchtime (1:00 PM) and at the end of the afternoon (5:00 PM).
When we zoom in further, we see that Monday at 4:00 PM is the best time to post. We also see more activity on Tuesday morning and Saturday afternoon.
Best day to post on X
Peak times for more engagement on X
The same applies to more engagement on X: post at the beginning of the week. Monday stands out in particular. Additionally, noon is the absolute peak moment during the week, along with 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Best days to post on X
Peak times for more conversions on X
It's hardly a surprise anymore. Even if you want to maximize the number of conversions, a post on Monday yields the most results.
When we look at the number of clicks per hour, the distribution is fairly even throughout the day, with a slight peak at 9:00 PM.
Are you curious about the best times for other social media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn? You'll find them in this overview.
Do you always want to post directly at the best time? With Coosto's Prime Time, you can post with one click at the best moment for your account, your industry, or the platform in general. Based on previous posts, this handy feature calculates which times yield the most results.
The success of a social media post always depends on multiple factors. Of course, content plays a crucial role: does the content align with the interests, needs, and questions of your target audience? That is the ultimate key to optimal social media performance. In addition, we always remain dependent on the Instagram algorithm, which changes periodically and influences your content's performance.
But there's another important factor: the timing of Instagram posts. If you want to achieve results, choose the optimal times to reach your followers. These ideal times depend on when your target audience is online because that's when you'll achieve more results on social media. A detail that can truly make a difference.
To delve deeper into the behavior of Instagram users, we researched the best times for both increased reach and engagement. Additionally, we further examine the best times for Reels and carousel posts.
Best day to post for increased reach on Instagram:
Monday and Wednesday
Peak times for reach on Instagram:
Monday at 1 PM
Wednesday at 9 AM
Friday at 1 PM
With a slight edge over the other days, Monday and Wednesday stand out the most. Additionally, there are some general peak moments throughout the days: on Monday and Friday, in the early afternoon, and on Wednesday morning.
Despite the close figures, it pays off on Instagram to post on weekdays during office hours. However, don't hesitate to post at other times, as you can still achieve great results for your reach on Instagram.
Best day to post for increased engagement on Instagram:
Peak times for engagement on Instagram:
Sunday at 1 PM
Wednesday at 8 PM
Thursday at 4 PM
Thursday is the ideal day if you want to achieve as many likes, comments, and shares as possible with your Instagram posts. Additionally, Sunday and Wednesday are also good days for more engagement.
Regarding the time, 5 PM stands out significantly when looking at the general times. If you want to capture the real peak moments for more interaction with your followers, Sunday afternoon, Wednesday evening, and Thursday afternoon are the best moments.
Best day for more reach with Instagram Reels
Tuesday and Wednesday
Peak hours for more reach with Instagram Reels
6 and 8 pm
Best day for more engagement with Instagram Reels
Monday and Tuesday
Peak hours for more reach with Instagram Reels
3, 6 and 8 pm
Best day for more reach with Instagram carousels
Peak times for more reach with Instagram carousels
9 AM and 5 PM
Best day for more engagement with Instagram carousels
Peak times for more engagement with Instagram carousels
5 PM
The above-mentioned times are based on the overall performance of Instagram posts and thus provide a good guideline for your social media planning. To achieve even better results on Instagram through proper timing, it is valuable to zoom in further, for example, into your industry, or even better: the performance of your business account.
This can be done with Coosto's Prime Time. This handy feature delves deeper into these times and analyzes real-time all social media performances for the best suggestions. With just one click, you can then select the best time to post on your Instagram account.
Curious about the best times to post on Facebook, LinkedIn, X, YouTube, and Pinterest? Check them out here!
Previously, we explored the best times to post on social media for greater reach. In this blog post, we delve deeper into the best times for better performance on LinkedIn. As holds for any platform, your content must align with the interests, needs, and questions of your target audience for optimal results. And on LinkedIn, the business-oriented nature of the platform is also something to take into account when scheduling your social media posts.
With alignment with users, and more specifically, your target audience, you will achieve optimal performance on LinkedIn. When your post's content resonates with your target audience, details like LinkedIn tagging make a difference. Also, the times when you post.
Therefore, we delved into the numbers and investigated the perfect timing for maximum results. We can already reveal that the business nature of LinkedIn means that posts during office hours yield the best results. Keep reading to discover the exact peak times for each goal.
Best days to post on LinkedIn
Monday to Friday
Peak times for greater reach on LinkedIn
As mentioned above, the professional and business nature of LinkedIn means that you achieve the best results during office hours. If you want more reach on this platform for your organization, keep it within the workweek and preferably between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
We observe a peak throughout the day at 10 a.m. and later at 4 p.m.
Curious about the best times to post for more reach on other social media platforms? Discover them in this overview.
Best days to post on LinkedIn
Peak times for more engagement on LinkedIn
It should be no surprise that weekdays within office hours are undoubtedly the best moments for increased engagement. Friday slightly surpasses the rest of the weekdays, but it's obvious that you can expect little to no engagement on this platform during the weekend.
We see a peak in mid-morning throughout the day, decreasing around lunchtime. There is a resurgence in likes, comments, and shares around 3-4 p.m.
Best days to post on LinkedIn
Monday to Friday
Peak times for more clicks on LinkedIn
For the number of clicks there is no difference in the overall conclusion: office hours yield the best results. There is a slight peak towards the end of the week, but it is safe to say that Monday to Friday are all good days for a conversion-focused LinkedIn post.
Looking at the hours, the 9-to-5 pattern is evident once again. Post at 10 a.m. or between 3 and 5 p.m. for optimal clicks.
Note! LinkedIn groups all clicks under one category. This means that this data includes clicks on posts with a link but also clicks to your profile or, for example, clicks on a presentation post with multiple slides.\
The above data provides insight into when to post on LinkedIn to achieve your goal. However, these times are based on the general performance of LinkedIn posts.
To truly get the optimal results from your (LinkedIn) content, it's better to zoom in on when your target audience is online. This can easily be done with Coosto's Prime Time. Get direct recommendations for the best times for the chosen platform, your industry, and your company account in the social media planner. Based on previous posts, this handy feature calculates the times that generate the most clicks, engagement or reach for your account. Then, with just one click, you can select the best time to post.
Curious about how this works exactly? Request a free demo, and one of our Coosto experts will be happy to show you!
Facebook is still one of the largest social media platforms. With over 9.9 million users, this channel ranks in the top 3 largest social platforms. In short, there is a lot to gain here! We previously gave a sneak peek into the best times for more reach on Facebook in our blog about the best times to post on social media in 2024.
But there's more to achieve on Facebook: whether it's more engagement or clicks, you're in the right place. Scroll quickly and discover which times will yield better results for you on Facebook.
The best times for more reach on Facebook
The best times for more engagement on Facebook
The best times for more clicks on Facebook
Best day to post on Facebook
Sunday and Monday
Peak times for reach on Facebook
How do you reach the largest possible audience on Facebook? Very easy, by posting at the peak times mentioned above! Sunday and Monday are the days when Facebook users leisurely scroll through their timelines, increasing the chances that they will see your post. At the beginning of the week, you have the greatest chance of reaching a large audience.
Best day to post on Facebook
Saturday and Sunday
Peak times for more engagement on Facebook
Interestingly, Facebook users tend to engage more with your posts during the weekend. The weekend is the moment when most users take the time to like posts or leave comments. Additionally, there is generally a clear peak in the mornings: at 9 AM, you can expect a lot of engagement on your Facebook posts.
If you want to leverage the absolute peak moments for more engagement, post on Sunday. Engagement is highest in the afternoon and evening hours.
Best day to post on Facebook
Peak times for more clicks on Facebook
Similar to the best times for more engagement, weekend days yield the best results here. For maximum conversions, post on Saturday or Sunday, preferably towards the end of the day.
During weekdays, there are also peak moments to achieve more clicks: schedule your posts for Wednesday afternoon or on Thursday morning.
Looking at the general best times to post on Facebook, we can conclude: Facebook users are most active on weekends. As an organization, it's especially useful to schedule Facebook posts in advance. You can do this with a social media planner like Coosto. That way, you don't have to sit behind the laptop on Sunday afternoon for optimal results on this platform. What a relieve!
What's also important to keep in mind is that this data is based on the overall performance of Facebook posts. If you want to find out when the best time is for your organization specifically to post on any social platform, Coosto's social media planner has a handy feature: Prime Time. This AI technology calculates, based on your company account, industry, and the chosen platform, the best times to post for more reach, engagement, and clicks on Facebook. With just one click, our tool then provides real-time advice on the best time for you to post.
Do you want to discover your best times to post for better results on Facebook? Our Coosto experts would love to show you more during a free demonstration.
AI has permanently transformed the field of marketing and will continue to drive many developments in the (near) future. The impact of AI on marketing is undeniable. As a marketer, your task is to embrace these changes and familiarize yourself with the latest technologies.
AI significantly aids fundamental aspects of content marketing and social media. The graph below, derived from the annual B2B Content Marketing Trends research by the Content Marketing Institute, clearly illustrates how AI plays a key role in the daily activities of most marketers.
Think of practical tasks such as assistance in writing (social media) copy or achieving better results with AI-driven advice by posting on social media at the optimal time. However, the most mentioned use of AI by B2B marketers is gaining inspiration for content.
And it's not surprising. Manually going through numerous articles, trends, and developments is a time-consuming task. This is where AI comes in handy. For example, there are tools that gather relevant online content within a specific field or topic. Content within a particular subject is evaluated and ranked based on various factors, providing you with insights into what's happening and which topics are worth engaging with.
Discover by Coosto offers such an overview: by analyzing and sorting millions of sources in real-time, you get a digestible overview of all content with algorithmically calculated Trending Scores.
The numerous possibilities of using AI in marketing for daily tasks contribute to significant development. By applying AI intelligently, you save time, energy, and creativity. You no longer have to 'waste' these resources on routine tasks; instead, you can use them for more strategic and overarching activities. Think of developing a content strategy, fine-tuning and monitoring the strategy, and maintaining focus on achieving objectives. AI allows you to be less consumed by small tasks, which, albeit time-consuming, are essential.
An important shift is happening in the marketing field: marketers solely focused on execution will become less important and eventually be replaced by AI. Marketers with the necessary AI knowledge, outsourcing these tasks to technology, and dedicating their remaining time to strategic activities, will become indispensable. That is what the marketer of the future will look like.
The rise of AI in marketing promises a revolutionary shift in how marketers utilize their time and resources. When applied correctly, AI is not about replacing human input, but rather enhancing marketing professionals with AI knowledge. By using AI smartly for routine tasks, marketers can focus more on the strategic aspects of marketing.
In conclusion, knowledge (and skill) of AI in marketing is the key to success. Interested in learning how to acquire this AI knowledge and efficiently apply it to your daily work? We'd be happy to explain more during a free demonstration.
On July 5, 2023, Meta introduced Threads: a new platform primarily focused on text, unlike its sibling Instagram. The platform had a flying start: despite only being available in Europe recently, it reached 100 million users in no time (read: 4 days!). Impressive! For comparison, Instagram took 3 years to reach 110 million users.
The rocket start of Threads is easily explained: creating an account on Threads is a breeze if you already have an Instagram account. For many social media enthusiasts, this was a reason to take a look at this platform, but what makes Threads so special?
Time to test it ourselves! As Coosto, we didn't hesitate to do so: follow us on Threads!
Threads distinguishes itself from other social media channels for several reasons, but the main one is this: Threads is set to become an open social network in the (near) future. By making the app compatible with ActivityPub, Threads becomes an 'interoperable' network. Those are a lot of technical terms, but what does that mean? Simply put, social media platforms will be connected: in the future, you could post on Mastodon or receive notifications from that platform via Threads, without having an account on Mastodon. An interesting development that Threads is currently working on.
Threads is already being widely used, now also in Europe. This gives rise to various ideas, myths, and opinions about the platform. But do they hold? We investigated this for you.
The reason Threads was not immediately available in Europe had to do with not complying with European privacy laws. The seemingly user-friendly and quick connection to your existing Instagram account was the main reason the platform clashed with our privacy standards.
Fortunately, we can also debunk this myth: Threads can be used without an account, allowing you to bypass the issue.
If you've already created an account on Threads, you've probably seen posts starting with 'Dear algorithm,' followed by a list of topics. There's a rumor that you can influence the algorithm, telling it where your interests lie to personalize your timeline.
But unfortunately, this is a myth. Meta confirms that this rumor is not true. The Threads timeline is not influenced by such posts but by the user's behavior. Just like on Instagram, what a user sees is determined based on signals like interactions with posts and accounts. You can't influence it with a 'Dear algorithm' post to teach the algorithm a lesson.
Although Threads is primarily focused on textual content, this doesn't exclude other forms of posts. The main approach of the platform is sharing opinions, ideas, and thoughts in a maximum of 500 characters. This can be done through voice messages, images, and short videos. Moreover, you can include links in Threads posts, unlike Instagram.
Threads also announces that they are actively working on new formats. In 2024, you'll be able to enhance your text messages with colored text and the ability to add the 'party popper' emoji (?) to your post for some digital confetti on your screen.
So, the third myth is also debunked!
Let's be clear: hashtags are still very much a part of Threads. However, Threads introduces a new feature with a similar function: Topic Tags. You can add one Topic Tag per post to indicate the theme of your message. This improves the visibility of your post on Threads, a crucial feature as social media channels are increasingly used as search engines.
To prevent the misuse of Topic Tags, the maximum is set to one tag per post. A tag can consist of multiple words or even a short sentence to provide more specific information about the related topic.
Not adding a theme via a Topic Tag doesn't mean your post won't appear in search results if it's related to that topic. The search function displays all related posts, whether a Topic Tag is added or not.
Web developer Max Mykhalchuk examined the most used topic tags and hashtags so far to demonstrate the difference in usage. As you can see, there are quite a few similarities between the two:
Conclusion: hashtags are certainly not a thing of the past, but Threads also brings innovation in this way.
A new social media platform means new opportunities for your organization. But how do you achieve your social media goals on Threads? Here are some possibilities:
Threads is the ideal platform to ask short questions to your followers to gauge opinions. This can be done, for example, with the poll feature, but Threads also sets a good example by approaching it differently. Useful and innovative!
A new platform, new opportunities! This relatively new platform provides a clean slate and, therefore, a new chance to reach more followers.
Additionally, Threads offers an excellent opportunity to bring your existing content to the forefront and experiment with new social media content. A breath of fresh air through your social media and content strategy, so to speak!
Moreover, the strong connection with Instagram makes it easy to promote your content cross-platform. With just one click, your latest Threads post can become an Instagram story.
Finally, Threads is also a great platform for conversion-focused posts. The ability to include links in your post is the perfect opportunity to direct followers to your website.
Threads currently doesn't have advertising options, which means your posts with a clear call-to-action won't be overshadowed by ads. Take advantage of this! Importantly, respect this and ensure relevant and valuable posts for your followers.
Since Threads is still a relatively new platform, new developments are being rolled out at a rapid pace. Meta is actively working to continually improve the platform and increase user-friendliness. They make adjustments and enhancements based on user feedback. This platform is far from being fully developed, and we are very curious about what awaits us.
This probably sounds familiar to you: multiple open tabs with different social media platforms and website performance statistics, a lot of copying and pasting to get all the numbers in one place. A very time-consuming, and above all error-prone, process.
For years, I have struggled with proving the cohesion between my well-performing social media campaigns and a constant stream of website conversions. Tying everything together: that was my biggest issue. I needed a clear overview, which helps me to prove the attribution of social media to conversions that lead to sales. And the fact that brand awareness isn’t just something we do for fun, as marketers.
It would make my job as Content Marketer so much easier. And way more interesting, as well. It would help me to focus on what makes it challenging and interesting for me. In the end, creating new content based on successful campaigns is what drives me!
Thanks to the possibility to connect Google Analytics accounts and all business social media accounts within Coosto, you easily combine all relevant metrics in one overview. The dashboard templates are the perfect way to display the metrics that are important for your business goals. By doing so, you gain insights on the performance of your social media posts, platforms and campaigns, in relation to your Google Analytics stats, such as conversions and page views.
To prove how easy it is to answer important questions about social media and content performance with the customizable dashboards, I have a few examples. Because in the end, actions speak louder than words!
The first example proves the connection between website visitors and social media campaigns. How many (new) visitors reached your website thanks to a successful social media campaign? And how many conversions did I get out of this post?
To answer these questions, I had to manually combine all my website statistics and social media data. Google Analytics in Coosto enables me to put these numbers easily together. Check the performance of social posts from a specific campaign and compare these directly to the number of (new) users and conversions on your website, derivative from this campaign.
The second example is focused on the positive effects of a well-known brand name and media reach. Because how do your daily results benefit from a strong brand name? Often, the power of brand awareness is underestimated and for a long time, it has been difficult to prove the (long-term) effects of it. Time to say goodbye to this.
By comparing the total reach of your brand in all online media sources, and putting this next to the direct traffic stats on your website, you will quickly realize the peaks in these numbers match. In other words, all the efforts from the past and today to create a stronger brand are paying off! No advertisement costs are involved (anymore): these valuable website visitors know what they are looking for and therefore a very likely to convert to paying customers. All thanks to a strong brand name, and a high media reach.
To even analyze this a bit deeper, you can add the sentiment around your brand. To what extent is your brand mentioned positively or negatively? And can you relate this to peaks in website traffic? The customizable dashboards make it easier than ever to answer these questions.
So, are you ready to start making the numbers speak for themselves? I dare to say, I’m starting to even enjoy putting all the numbers related to social media and website performance together. And the possibilities are endless! Combining the statistics from these platforms offers countless valuable new insights.
Like I said, running my monthly analysing is no longer a task I want to postpone. Who would have thought I would ever be the one saying this? I didn’t, that’s for sure. Nowadays, I surprise myself by wanting to look for new insights and enjoy combining interesting and relevant statistics. Think of the number of sales we make thanks to my social media posts, the relation between social media reach and the (growing) number of website visitors, and the contribution social media engagement to conversions on landing pages.
Do you want to experience for yourself how this improved way of approaching content analytics can take your strategy to the next level? Try it for yourself! During our free trial, you get to experience the benefits of the integration.
We beginnen bij het begin. Wat is een algoritme? Heel plat gezegd is een algoritme een set van instructies die een computer of ander apparaat kan volgen om een bepaalde taak uit te voeren. Je kunt het zien als een Ikea-handleiding, waarin stap voor stap wordt verteld wat je moet doen om een kast in elkaar te zetten.
Een van de misvattingen over Instagram is dat er iets is als ‘Het Instagram Algoritme’. Het complexe aan Instagram is juist dat er niet één algoritme is dat bepaalt wat een gebruiker wel of niet ziet. Instagram maakt gebruik van verschillende algoritmes, die elk een eigen doel kennen. Instagram zegt hier het volgende over:
Wij willen het meeste uit jouw tijd halen, we geloven dat het gebruik van technologie om jouw ervaring te personaliseren de beste manier is om dit te doen.
Conclusie: Er is niet één gouden formule
Instagram is door de jaren flink gegroeid. Hoe meer mensen zich bij het platform aansluiten, hoe meer content er ook gedeeld wordt. Het werd hierdoor voor de meeste onmogelijk om alles te kunnen zien. Instagram heeft hier zelf onderzoek naar gedaan en zij kwamen tot de conclusie dat in 2016 gebruikers 70% van alle posts in hun feed misten. Om deze reden is er een feed ontwikkeld die posts rangschikt op basis van waar de gebruiker de meeste interesse in heeft.
Daarom maakt Instagram dan ook gebruik van een op maat gemaakt algoritme, dat is afgestemd op de gebruiker. Om aan deze behoeften te voldoen, rangschikt Instagram de content verschillend per onderdeel van de app: Feed en Verhalen, Ontdekken en Reels.
Instagram maakt gebruik van zogenaamde ‘signalen’. Deze bestaan uit alle informatie die zij hebben over accounts en voorkeuren. Deze signalen bepalen voor een groot deel wat een gebruiker op zijn of haar tijdlijn ziet. De volgorde waarin een gebruiker content ziet, wordt bepaald door de belangrijkste signalen per onderdeel. Hieronder vind je per onderdeel een overzicht van de signalen in volgorde van belang.
Zoals je ziet komen dezelfde signalen steeds terug, alleen vaak in een andere volgorde van belang. Om hierop in te kunnen spelen moet je natuurlijk weten wat ze inhouden:
1. Informatie over de post/ reel
Dit zijn signalen die iets zeggen over de populariteit van de post. Denk hierbij aan het aantal likes en algemenere informatie, zoals de inhoud zelf, wanneer het gepost is, of het een video of afbeelding is en of er een locatie aan is toegevoegd. Hoe completer een post. hoe beter.
2. Informatie over het account dat post
Dit helpt Instagram de gebruikers een idee te geven over hoe interessant dit account voor hen is. Hierbij wordt gekeken naar de totale interactie die een account genereert. Leveren de posts veel likes, comments en shares op? Dan komt dat ten goede voor de ranking.
3. Activiteit van de gebruiker
Dit helpt Instagram te begrijpen waarin de gebruiker mogelijk geïnteresseerd is. Het bevat signalen zoals hoeveel en welke berichten hij of zij leuk vond.
4. De interactiegeschiedenis van een gebruiker met een account
Dit helpt Instagram een idee te geven over hoe geïnteresseerd een gebruiker is in de content van een bepaald account. Hierbij wordt gekeken naar de mate van interactie met dit account, zoals comments op posts. Een signaal hierbij is de interactie met elkaar.
Een vraag die je het lezen van dit blog waarschijnlijk in je op komt. Wees gerust. Wij hebben een aantal tips voor je klaarstaan, die ervoor gaan zorgen dat je bereik groter wordt.
1. Zorg voor een goede social media strategie.
Instagram hanteert verschillende metrics om te bepalen of de gebruiker iets ‘interessant’ vindt. Eén positieve uitschieter is niet genoeg. Zorg er met relevante en pakkende content voor dat je consistent hoog scoort op likes, shares en comments om regelmatig hoog in de feed van gebruikers te verschijnen. Een goede social media strategie is hierbij onmisbaar.
2. Domineer de feed!
Post consistent voor een goede plek in de feeds van je volgers. Om een relatie op te bouwen met je volgers, moet er namelijk voldoende content zijn waarmee je volgers kunnen interacteren. Als je ook reageert op comments, geef je het algoritme als het ware een seintje: je bent close met je volgers en bouwt een band op.
3. Doe onderzoek naar je volgers
Onderzoek met welk type volgers je te maken hebt. Als ze die-hard Instagram-gebruikers zijn, kun je gerust wat vaker posts publiceren en hoeft niet elke post een enorme hit te zijn. Openen ze de app wat minder vaak, dan kun je jouw posts beter wat meer beperken tot de echte top foto’s en -video’s. Hier lees je hoe je bepaalt hoe vaak je moet posten op social media.
4. Schat je bereik in
Vraag je je af welk bereikpercentage (bereik/aantal volgers) ‘goed genoeg’ is? Bekijk hoeveel accounts jouw volgers zelf volgen. Hoe minder mensen zij volgen, hoe groter de kans is dat ze de Instagramposts van jouw organisaties zien.
Als we het hebben over algoritmes zie je misschien mensen voor je die achter ingewikkelde dashboards aan knoppen zitten te draaien. Zo kunnen ze bepalen welke posts hoger in een feed terechtkomen. Hoog tijd om van dat denkbeeld af te stappen. Het algoritme is gebaseerd op kunstmatige intelligentie, het is in hoge mate zelflerend en vooral: continu aan verandering onderhevig.
Als vandaag A het best werkt, kan dat morgen dus alweer B zijn. Het heeft dus niet zoveel zin om superpraktische tips te geven. Je kunt je beter gewoon richten op de 6 principes waarop het algoritme gestoeld is. Die zijn minder veranderlijk en geven je wat inzicht in achterliggende processen.
Of je het nu leuk vindt of niet: het blijft op Instagram voorlopig een strijd om aandacht. Als je die strijd wilt winnen, doe je er goed aan om de lessen hierboven mee te nemen. Dat levert je op lange termijn meer op dan geforceerde trucjes om het algoritme te manipuleren.