Content optimization
Social media management

Best times to post on LinkedIn

Author :
Annefleur Di Bucchianico
Creation date:
Content optimization
Social media management
Last updated:
12/2/25 11:38

Previously, we explored the best times to post on social media for greater reach. In this blog post, we delve deeper into the best times for better performance on LinkedIn. As holds for any platform, your content must align with the interests, needs, and questions of your target audience for optimal results. And on LinkedIn, the business-oriented nature of the platform is also something to take into account when scheduling your social media posts.

With alignment with users, and more specifically, your target audience, you will achieve optimal performance on LinkedIn. When your post's content resonates with your target audience, details like LinkedIn tagging make a difference. Also, the times when you post.

Therefore, we delved into the numbers and investigated the perfect timing for maximum results. We can already reveal that the business nature of LinkedIn means that posts during office hours yield the best results. Keep reading to discover the exact peak times for each goal.


The best times to post on LinkedIn for more impressions

Best times reach Instagram 2024

Best days to post on LinkedIn
Monday to Friday

Peak times for greater reach on LinkedIn

  • Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 3 p.m.
  • Friday between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.

As mentioned above, the professional and business nature of LinkedIn means that you achieve the best results during office hours. If you want more reach on this platform for your organization, keep it within the workweek and preferably between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

We observe a peak throughout the day at 10 a.m. and later at 4 p.m.

Curious about the best times to post for more reach on other social media platforms? Discover them in this overview.

The best times to post on LinkedIn for more engagement

Best times engagement LinkedIn 2024

Best days to post on LinkedIn

Peak times for more engagement on LinkedIn

  • Monday at 3 p.m.
  • Thursday at 5 a.m.
  • Friday at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

It should be no surprise that weekdays within office hours are undoubtedly the best moments for increased engagement. Friday slightly surpasses the rest of the weekdays, but it's obvious that you can expect little to no engagement on this platform during the weekend.

We see a peak in mid-morning throughout the day, decreasing around lunchtime. There is a resurgence in likes, comments, and shares around 3-4 p.m.

The best times to post on LinkedIn for more clicks

Best times clicks conversions LinkedIn 2024

Best days to post on LinkedIn
Monday to Friday

Peak times for more clicks on LinkedIn

  • Monday at 3 p.m.
  • Friday at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.

For the number of clicks there is no difference in the overall conclusion: office hours yield the best results. There is a slight peak towards the end of the week, but it is safe to say that Monday to Friday are all good days for a conversion-focused LinkedIn post.

Looking at the hours, the 9-to-5 pattern is evident once again. Post at 10 a.m. or between 3 and 5 p.m. for optimal clicks.

Note! LinkedIn groups all clicks under one category. This means that this data includes clicks on posts with a link but also clicks to your profile or, for example, clicks on a presentation post with multiple slides.\

The best times for LinkedIn posts for your accounts

The above data provides insight into when to post on LinkedIn to achieve your goal. However, these times are based on the general performance of LinkedIn posts.

To truly get the optimal results from your (LinkedIn) content, it's better to zoom in on when your target audience is online. This can easily be done with Coosto's Prime Time. Get direct recommendations for the best times for the chosen platform, your industry, and your company account in the social media planner. Based on previous posts, this handy feature calculates the times that generate the most clicks, engagement or reach for your account. Then, with just one click, you can select the best time to post.

Curious about how this works exactly? Request a free demo, and one of our Coosto experts will be happy to show you!

During a personalized demo, we will show you how you will achieve more success with Coosto, thanks to:


Better insights in your brand reputation with social monitoring

A seamless content planning focused on more reach and conversions


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