
De Stand van Content & Social Media in 2020

1. Contentstrategie blijft zorgenkindje

Content is king. De marketingwereld lijkt steeds beter te begrijpen dat traditionele reclame aan kracht verliest. Content die aansluit op de beleving van het publiek is het enige antwoord daarop. Vanuit dat besef zijn contentmarketingbudgetten gegroeid, professionals opgeleid en massa’s content uit de pen gevloeid.

Het probleem? Het ontbreekt nog te vaak aan een gedegen plan achter al die content. En als de contentstrategie er wel is, dan is die meestal niet zwart-op-wit te vinden.

Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat 71% een strategie hanteert bij het creëren van content, waar dat vorig jaar nog 74% was. Slechts 33% van de ondervraagden heeft die contentstrategie ook daadwerkelijk gedocumenteerd, evenveel als vorig jaar. Dat is problematisch in een vakgebied waar professionals vooruit willen, aantoonbaar willen bijdragen aan organisatiedoelen en kennis intern willen delen. Hoe kun je immers schaalbaar kennis delen als je niets gedocumenteerd hebt?

2. Social media content onverminderd populair

Content is er in alle vormen en maten, maar wie contentmarketing zegt, zegt toch vooral social media. Dat is in 2020 niet anders. Social media posts en stories zijn nog altijd de populairste contentvorm (94%), gevolgd door blogposts (80%) en e-mails (74%). 

Contentvormen die B2C-organisaties in het afgelopen jaar hebben gebruikt


3. We betalen vaker voor contentverspreiding

Door social media algoritmes ontkom je er bijna niet meer aan: betalen voor vertoningen. Als je er zeker van wilt zijn dat een bepaalde post aan een groot publiek wordt voorgeschoteld, moet je nu eenmaal in de buidel tasten. Dat doen we in ons vak steeds vaker.

Vorig jaar had nog 68% minstens één keer voor contentdistributie betaald, dit jaar is dat al 85%. Binnen deze groep werd social media advertising het meest gebruikt: 89% zette dat kanaal betaald in.

4. Facebook met afstand grootste social platform

Als je 1000 consumenten vraagt naar het populairste social media platform op dit moment, zal je niet vaak ‘Facebook’ te horen krijgen. Het is toch juist de tijd van Instagram, TikTok en YouTube? Dat zien we althans in de jaarlijkse gebruikscijfers van social media.

Zakelijk ontstaat echter een heel ander beeld. Hoewel ook Instagram en YouTube voor B2C-contentmarketeers belangrijke social media geworden zijn, is Facebook nog steeds de absolute nummer één. 96% van de organisaties gebruikt het platform voor organische (gratis) contentverspreiding. Hoewel consumenten er niet meer heel actief op posten, blijft het platform bezoekers trekken en daar maken contentmarketeers dus dankbaar gebruik van.

Social media platformen die B2C-organisaties in het afgelopen jaar hebben gebruikt voor organische contentverspreiding


Ook in betaalde contentverspreiding is Facebook alleenheerser. Van de respondenten die in het afgelopen jaar adverteerden op social media, gebruikte maar liefst 95% daarvoor Facebook. Instagram kan enigszins aanhaken; 53% van de respondenten gaf aan weleens te betalen om content te tonen op het platform. Dat is een flink contrast met bijvoorbeeld Twitter. Hoewel 71% van de organisaties Twitter gebruikt voor de gratis verspreiding van content, kiest slechts 16% van de adverteerders voor dat medium.

Social media platformen die B2C-organisaties in het afgelopen jaar hebben gebruikt voor betaalde contentverspreiding


Facebook is niet alleen het meest gekozen platform, maar contentmarketeers zijn er ook het meest succesvol. De respondenten selecteerden Facebook als het platform dat voor hen het meeste contentmarketing-resultaat opleverde, zowel betaald als organisch.

5. Analysetools steeds populairder


Social media publishing- en planningtools zijn voor contentmarketeers natuurlijk onmisbaar. Geen wonder dat dit soort software ook in 2020 verreweg de meest gebruikte in het vak is. Opvallend is echter vooral de opmars van (website-)analysetools. Die werden begin 2019 nog door 71% van de contentmarketeers gebruikt, inmiddels is dat al 83%.

De ontwikkeling onderstreept het groeiende belang van analyse en verantwoording. Je kunt niet meer zomaar content creëren en hopen dat die het gewenste effect heeft behaald. Je moet resultaten kunnen aantonen, laten zien wat je werkzaamheden waard zijn.

Sterker nog, je zou eigenlijk van tevoren al moeten kunnen voorspellen dat je content succesvol gaat zijn. Je moet je kunnen verantwoorden, uitleggen waarom jouw content de te investeren tijd waard is. Daarvoor is onderzoek naar je doelgroep en markt nodig. Het is daarom perfect te verklaren dat vorig jaar uit hetzelfde onderzoek al bleek dat social media listening de populairste onderzoekstechnologie is. 70% van de content marketeers maakte er toen gebruik van.

6. Vooral creatie van content wordt uitbesteed

Organisaties zijn flink verdeeld over de vraag of het slim is om van contentmarketing uit te besteden of niet. 55% kiest ervoor om (delen) van contentmarketing uit te besteden, de overige 45% doet het niet. Daar is dus geen duidelijke voorkeur in te bekennen.

Van de organisaties die niet alles in-house doen, is er één onderdeel dat verreweg het vaakst wordt uitbesteed: 80% kiest ervoor om contentcreatie (deels) bij anderen te beleggen. Op plek twee staat de verspreiding van content (37%), gevolgd door de technologie achter content (27%). 

7. Content ondersteunt vooral awareness-fase

Content kan in elke fase van de klantreis waarde toevoegen. In de praktijk blijkt dat B2C-organisaties content vooral inzetten voor top-funnel doelen: aandacht trekken en interesse opwekken. Slechts 12% van de content is bedoeld om bestaande klanten te laten terugkeren of als klant te behouden.


Contentmarketing is springlevend

Het onderzoek van CMI onderstreept maar weer eens dat contentmarketing een volwassen discipline is die niet zomaar meer van het strijdtoneel gaat verdwijnen. Het rapport laat echter ook zien dat er nog verbeterkansen zijn. Door het gebruik van een gedocumenteerde strategie die aansluit op je organisatiedoelen, in combinatie met de juiste analysetools, kun je de waarde van content intern nog beter gaan aantonen.


The State of Content & Social Media in 2020

1. The lack of content strategy remains concerning

Content is king. The world of marketing increasingly shows it understands that traditional advertising is devaluating. Content that matches an audience’s perception is the only response to this issue. This realization has led to increased content marketing budgets, highly trained professionals and lots – we mean LOTS - of content.

The problem? Content often lacks a thorough plan behind it. And if the content strategy does in fact exist, it’s only rarely documented.

The CMI research shows that 71% of the content strategist use a strategy to create content, compared to 74% last year. Only 33% has actually documented this content strategy, same as in 2019. This is worrying, in a field where professionals want to move forward, want to take accountability for their contribution to organizational goals and want to share knowledge internally. How can you share knowledge at scale when you don’t have anything in writing?

2. Social media content is as popular as ever

Content is produced in all shapes and sizes, but it’s almost always associated with social media. Social media posts and stories still are the most popular type of content, followed by blog posts and emails.

Types of content that B2C brands have used in the past year


3. Paying for content distribution is on the rise

Social media algorithms have made it nearly inevitable: pay for views. If you want to be sure your post will be shown to a large audience, you will have to dig in your pockets. It’s something we tend to do more and more.

Last year 68% of the respondents paid for content distribution at least once. This year the share of B2C content marketers that has used paid methods has risen to 85%. Of this group, 89% used social media advertising, the most popular type of paid content distribution.

4. Facebook continues to be the biggest, by far

Ask a 1000 consumers what their favourite social media platform is, and you probably won’t be hearing ‘Facebook’ a lot. Instagram, TikTok and YouTube have momentum, right? That’s what the annual consumer social media statistics tell us, anyway.

A different reality arises when we’re looking at the business side of social media. Although Instagram and YouTube have also come to be important social media for content marketers, Facebook is still the uncontested number one. 96% of B2C brands use the platform for organic content distribution.

Even though consumers aren’t really posting on Facebook as much as they once did, the platform still attracts users and content marketers are making good use of that fact.

Social media platforms B2C brands have used for organic content distribution in the past year


Facebook is ruling in paid methods of content distribution as well. Out of the respondents who advertised on social media in the past year, no less than 95% used Facebook to do so. Instagram tries to keep up; 53% of respondents said they have paid for the distribution of content on the platform at least once. That’s quite a contrast with Twitter for instance.

71% of B2C organizations use Twitter for the organic distribution of content, but only 16% of has used the platform to advertise in the past year.

Social media platforms B2C brands have used for paid content distribution in the past year


Facebook isn’t just the most popular, it is the platform where content marketers are most successful as well. Respondents selected Facebook as the platform that generated most content marketing results, both paid and organic.

5. Analytics tools are becoming increasingly popular


Social media publishing and planning tools are crucial to content marketers. No wonder this type of software is the most popular in the content marketing field by far. The growth of (web) analytics tools is remarkable, though. In 2019, these tools were used by 71% of content marketers, being 83% this year.

This trend underlines the growing importance of analysis and accountability. You simply can’t just create content and hope it will set off the desired effect. You have to be able to prove results, show the value of your work.

What’s more, you should actually be able to predict the success of your content beforehand. You have to account for your work, explain why your content is worth your time. Therefore, you need insights into your target audience and industry. This explains perfectly why last year, the same CMI research showed that social media listening was the most popular research technology last year. At the time, 70% of content marketers made use of it. 

6. The creation of content is most often outsourced

Organizations are heavily divided when it comes to the question whether it’s a smart decision to outsource content marketing. 55% opts for outsourcing (parts of) their content marketing, the other 45% doesn’t. No clear preference can be found there.

Of the brands not having everything in-house, there’s one discipline that is most common to be outsourced: 80% chooses to (partially) outsource content creation. Second is content distribution (37%), follwed by content technology (27%).

7. Content is mainly created for the awareness stage

Content can add value to every stage of the customer journey. In practice however, B2C organizations mainly create content for top funnel goals: content is used to attract attention and spark interest. A mere 12% of content is meant for the retention of existing customers.

Content created per stage of the customer journey


Contentmarketing is alive and kicking

The research of CMI once again emphasizes that content marketing is a mature marketing discipline, that shows no sign of weakening. On the other hand, the report also shows possible improvements. By using a combination of a documented strategy that is in line with your organizational goals and the right analytics, our industry can still improve the process of proving the infinite value of content.


Coosto Hackathon: a training in innovation

The Coosto Hackathon is a yearly internal event, in which we challenge our colleagues to work on their own creative and innovative ideas. The most important precondition: you have to present the fully-fledged and worked out idea within one day to the rest of the company.

An event like the Hackathon helps Coosto to remain creative and renewing. It is the perfect occasion to think outside the box and maybe find new usable features for our product. Let’s call it a training in innovation.

Coosto + 1

No time to lose, we had to get right to it. The theme of this year’s Hackathon was called ‘Coosto + 1’, which meant we had to think of an idea that contained a combination of Coosto and a concept, feature or idea of another tool or app.

A variety of 8 interesting projects, worked out by a total of 33 colleagues, emerged from this theme. The ideas in a nutshell:

Tinder-like message approval

What would you get if you’d combine Coosto with the swipiness of an app like Tinder? This project decided to find out an presented a working prototype. A simple swipe gesture to the left or right would allow you to handle messages in Engage.

Did you know...

...the search helper in Coosto Listen derives from the winning project of the 2017 edition of the Coosto Hackathon?

Coosto Cards

This group presented a feature that was copied off the filters of Google Cards. Instead of setting general filters, you would be able to set Coosto filters in the search results. This would mean you can exclude the language, author and/or topic in every search result.


Coosto Periscope

Do you remember Microsoft’s Clippy? Why wouldn’t we try implement the little assistant in a Coosto theme? The goal of this project was to help customers directly in the tool, without having to navigate to the Support Center.


Lunch platform

This project didn’t find its inspiration in the product of Coosto, but in the internal lunch. They came up with a platform on which employees could make food suggestions and manage their attendance. This would help our lunch staff to prepare the right amount of food and stop waste.

Coosto LMS

This team came up with an idea to make a Coosto training more interactive. They set up a Learning Management System; one interface for all training information, using quizzes and tasks to assess whether a trainee masters Coosto sufficiently.

The podium

No hackathon without winners. A skilled jury chose the 3 best projects at the end of a great, tiring day.

Bronze: Coosto Loyalty

What if the daily use of Coosto would challenge you a little bit more? Let’s make a game out of it, this group imagined. By analyzing data in Listen, handling conversations in Engage en scheduling posts in Publish, you would earn points and badges. This would start a competition with your colleagues for the funniest and most legendary badges. Who gets the top spot in the leaderboard?

Silver: Coosto Break

A mini-game in Coosto. Fun, but what’s the point of it? This team had the answer: “Break stuff and recharge!” Every Coosto user who wants to express their frustrations after the umpteenth complaint of their customers, would have to start this game. Press a button and use a mouse to drag all Coosto elements to the edge of a screen and demolish them one by one. Wow, that’s a relief. You’re fully recharged to yet again be sympathetic to your customers.


Gold: Coosto Assistant

The winners presented an impressive piece of ‘Coosto + 1’, according to the jury. Their starting point: managers want to be up-to-date with their brand’s latest social media statistics fast and easily. That is why this project combined the intelligence of Google Assistant with the power of Coosto. No need to log in to Coosto, just ask your Google Assistant for the current situation on your smartphone or smartwatch. Coosto would push the data and Google would read your statistics aloud. An almost flawless demo showed it can be done!


Let’s make Coosto even better

There’s that. After this Hackathon we’re fully recharged with new inspiration for product improvements in 2020. Do you as a Coosto user have your own innovative feature requests? Please, share them with us. Hit the Feedback button in Coosto to submit your idea or vote for existing ideas.

Here’s to a beautiful and innovative 2020!


How to Write a Social Media Plan

The Difference between a Social Media Strategy and a Social Media Plan

A social media strategy looks at the long term. It’s usually applicable for at least a year and defines the general direction of everything you do related to social media. What it doesn’t do, however, is cover aspects such as campaigns, important changes to your products or service, projects you want to divulge online, or ongoing events affecting your business. Here, a strategy is not specific enough, and this is where a social media plan can come to your rescue. A social media plan has a clear-cut beginning and end, and specifically deals with a single campaign or event. Think of it as the specific detailing of your wider social media strategy. You have to consider the two as intertwined: your mission, vision and core values must be reflected in everything. Getting a social media plan down on paper only needs a few short steps.

1. Start Your Social Media Plan with an Objective
A social media plan is subject to the same rule as a strategy: it must contain a clear objective. The difference with the objectives in your social media strategy is that the objectives of your plan concentrate on the short term. Consider the following objective, for example:

‘Website traffic to product page X must increase by 30% during the duration of the campaign from January 1 to January 31, 2019, compared to the same period last year.’

The SMART objective has been well formulated: specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-bound. The rest of your social media plan must therefore help you achieve this objective. Once you’ve established your objective, don't forget to define some social media KPIs which will help measure the extent of your success.

2. Decide the Message of Your Story
It’s important that the message of your social media plan hits the sweet spot between what your target audience wants to hear and what you as an organization have to say. Bear in mind the challenges and needs of your target group, and look for openings which allow you to get a toehold with your social media plan. Try to summarize the story of your campaign/event/plan in a single sentence.

3. Define a Clear Target Group
Hopefully you’ve already defined a target group in your social media strategy. This target audience can often be divided into various buyer personas. A health insurer, for example, distinguishes between age categories or where people live, while a bank can target either the consumer market or the business market. It’s unlikely that your social media plan is designed to appeal to your entire target audience, as your specific message won’t be relevant to everybody in it. The best approach is to select a specific subsection of your target group, and concentrate your efforts there.

4. Make a Schedule for Your Social Media Plan

A social media plan is called a plan for good reason: its implementation has to be planned carefully. Sketch a timeline for yourself as a guide, with the beginning and end of your plan and a schedule of what exactly you will do and when. Make sure it’s really useful by defining who’s going to do what. Before you know it, you’ll have a proper action list.

5. Evaluate the Interim and Final Results
Obviously, your social media plan has to include an evaluation at some point. The implementation period is relatively short, which makes it all the more important to measure interim results. Take a close look at all your social media interventions: has content design X delivered the desired result? What do those results mean in terms of the objective formulated in step 1? Do you have to go an extra mile? Is your target group engaging with your message? Constantly ask yourself these questions so you can change course and make rapid changes where necessary. Make sure you remain flexible, and don't spend too much time making plans. After all, a social media plan is a good start, but the real key to success is putting it into practice properly.



Facebook’s 2019 algorithm: how to make your posts perform better?

Meaningful interactions

Facebook's algorithm prioritizes messages posted by Facebook friends over published content from Facebook pages (commercial content). The reason for this is to encourage meaningful or valuable interaction.

As a brand, the only part of the ranking process that we can control are the signals generated by our content. These signals can be divided into two categories: passive and active:

  • Passive signals include display time, story type, posted time, and other inactive statistics.
  • Active signals include likes, shares and comments.

If you want to promote positive involvement, you must therefore create relevant and valuable content. If your target group responds positively to your content, Facebook defines it as 'meaningful interaction'.

1. Provide discussion material

You want your content to encourage (positive) interactions, so make sure your content stimulates a discussion between your followers and other people. Don’t just focus on what you want to say or convey, your content should prompt people to stop scrolling through their timelines, and get them to interact and share your post with one another.

2. Know your audience

It might sound obvious, but your content has to be relevant. Make sure you create stories that your target audience wants to view, read, or share. Whether it’s a product or knowledge sharing, it must reflect the interests of your audience.

3. Track how your content is performing

Analyze the social media messages you’ve posted so you can improve them next time around. You can find out various things about Facebook via Facebook insights, but you should use a social media tool such as Coosto if you want to carry out a comprehensive analysis. In Coosto Publish, you can post messages on all your social media channels, and immediately see how they’re performing. See how your posts are performing in terms of interaction, learn from the insights of your posts, and use this to improve them.

4. Promote high-performing posts

The Facebook algorithm assigns value to content that performs well organically, which benefits you if you want to advertise. Content that already has strong organic traction means lower CPCs (cost per click), which combined with a boost-post from Facebook, can create a snowball effect for your content. Conversely, don’t waste money on poor-performing organic content, as this will result in higher CPCs. If a message performs well in terms of involvement, likes and shares, you can boost a post to scale up this performance.


The new Facebook algorithm is complex and depends on a whole range of factors, not all of which are easy to understand. Use the information that is nevertheless available to sharpen your content tactics and increase your visibility in the news feed: Create discussion material, write valuable stories for your target group, and challenge them to share these stories for organically strong content.



Coosto disappointed by nomination Big Brother Awards

Coosto is active in a constantly changing world. Various stakeholders (customers, interest groups, social media partners, governments etc.), with often conflicting interests, play an important role in this. As Coosto, we pursue a policy based on ethical considerations, against a background of greatly increased attention to privacy.

Despite all the measures we have taken – and will continue to implement - as part of our policy, we have apparently failed to convey our position on this issue sufficiently. We find this regrettable.  We want to state clearly and transparently what Coosto stands for, and show that we do take privacy seriously.

For instance, the article of Bits of Freedom states that Coosto would allow social media surveillance. This information is outdated, and goes back to the time when social media data was a relatively unexplored territory. At the time, the market was mainly exploring the possibilities and limits of social media, and privacy was not given enough attention.

However, Coosto is constantly evolving, as is the world of social media. We have prohibited any form of surveillance through Coosto, which our contracts and general conditions state as well. Coosto is a tool for marketing and communication, and can only be used for goals such as customer satisfaction and brand awareness. We enforce this with the help of technical and legal measures.

Along with these measures, we have parted ways with several governmental customers that were unwilling to accept our changed vision and conditions, against our commercial interests. The article mentions how the police and NCTV would use Coosto. However, these organizations have not been a customer of Coosto for a long time now, partly because of above developments.

We do not make these decisions just because it is what can be expected from us, but because we value privacy. We constantly evaluate our services for their possible impact on social interests, including privacy. When necessary, we draw lines and change our product. Even when that means we leave commercial potential unused. This is part of who we are, what we stand for and what we are our proud of as a company.     

Bits of Freedom does very important work for our society, but it is a shame that in this case they do not have a clear overview of the current state of affairs. Nonetheless, this nomination has encouraged us in our commitment to communicate better about the balance between privacy and technical developments from our point of view.


5 Tips for Writing Recognizable Content That Stands Out from The Pack

Content recognizable for the reader must be written in a way that makes the reader feel that he or she is interacting with your brand. This requires the reader to understand or feel what your brand stands for, and what separates it from the pack. All well and good, but how do you make sure that your article, blog or newsletter is selected when there’s so much to choose from?

1. Force Yourself to Search for Synonyms

Simple. Elementary. Easy. Useful. Uncomplicated. Handy.

If you think these words all mean the same thing, think again, because you’re probably underestimating the power of language. These words might all try to indicate the same sort of thing, but the various differences in nuance are important.

These apparently minor nuances explain why a designer will say that he prefers 'simplicity' in design to 'convenience’, or why food bloggers tend to call their recipes 'easy' rather than 'uncomplicated'. It’s also the reason why we mention 'useful tips' in the introduction, instead of 'simple tips'.

Don’t simply settle for a word that roughly conveys your intention, therefore, but dig deeper. Force yourself to find synonyms for the words you habitually use every day, then choose the word that best reflects your precise intention and brand identity.

Tweaking your language and spending a few extra minutes in this way will add more body and personality to your text, and put you on the road to creating really recognizable content.

2. Use Imagery

Using lively imagery is the very best way to give your content personality. This is an area where soccer commentators really excel. They will rarely describe a great goal as a "hard shot in the corner”, but revert to colorful language such as "a shot at a speed that would impress the average NASA rocket scientist”. This evokes an image, and highlights the power of the shot.

If you want your content to be recognizable, don’t limit yourself to descriptive language, but inspire your readers with imagery. It opens up a world of possibilities to bring your tone of voice to life, and an opportunity to include those subtle differences in meaning that distinguish your brand.

3. Write as If You Were Talking with a New Colleague

Lots of content makers and writers are only too happy to show off their extensive vocabulary, but in reality nobody wants to be confronted by words such as ‘beholden’, ’thereof’, ‘afore', or ‘hence’. These words are best kept for legal texts or games of scrabble.

The best way to express your tone of voice is to write in the same way we talk in real life, so forget the formalities and write as if you were talking with a new colleague: naturally, without laying on the jargon. Once you’ve dealt with this, putting the identity of your brand in your text is virtually automatic. After all, the way a cool advertising agency welcomes a new colleague is very different to the way a large investment bank or a neighborhood supermarket would go about it.   

4. Ignore Grammar Rules

For all the language purists who are checking this blog, we do know how to spell and that it’s poor style to start a sentence with ‘And' or ‘But'. But we want our prose to be nice and readable, and think that a more relaxed style fits our brand. And if that means ignoring the rules of the dictionary from time to time, so be it.

As far as we’re concerned, you can ignore the strictest grammar rules if it gives your tone of voice more freedom.

Writing with the common touch can also help in SEO because people search Google for the words they normally use.

5. Make Sure You Have Something to Say

A blog with writing tips should really steer clear of this boring subject, but even so I think it needs repeating. Writing tips are great for getting a story in the spotlights, but if the story is a dud, there’s not much more than an empty stage under those spotlights.

So immerse yourself in the subject, make sure you know what you’re talking about, and try to find an angle that is also new and interesting for you personally. After all, you can hardly expect your readers to read your piece with enthusiasm unless you share that enthusiasm, so don’t limit yourself to compiling a list of all the things revealed by your research.

Always add value, a clear vision or a unique perspective from the position of your brand. Only then can the writing tips above be put to proper use, and you’ll successfully grab and retain the attention of your target group.



5 Triggers to Get People to Share Your Content

1. Satisfaction

Content that’s shared the most is content that generates the most pleasure after reading it. It must leave the reader, viewer or listener feeling a little bit better informed or happier. It’s not difficult to create this sense of satisfaction, all you have to do is give an answer or solution to an issue affecting your target group. How do I make apple pie? What caused the banking crisis? Why aren’t bananas straight? What’s the best time to post on social media? Posing these kinds of questions and answering them leaves your readers satisfied: “Great, something else I know.”

So, why is this kind of content with solutions and answers more likely to be shared? Your reader feels satisfied after reading the content and then receives an additional reward by sharing it because any followers or friends who read it will experience the same sense of satisfaction, which contributes to the sharer’s status on social media.

2. Amazing Design

A piece of content, whether it’s a web page, news article or video, hangs or falls on how it’s designed. It can mean the difference between a visitor unconsciously deciding whether to read the content or clicking through to another page. Design is therefore an important factor because it has to be appealing enough to get visitors to read content and consequently to share it.

A well-designed piece can also help generate a wow factor, which in itself can be enough for it to be shared on social media. The special made by Dutch broadcaster NOS about depression is a good example. This page was published a year ago, but is still being shared on social media.

3. Element of Surprise

It may seem strange in this age of cognitive dissonance when everybody seems to live in their own bubbles, but content that challenges existing thinking patterns is shared more often.

Here’s a small test. Which of these articles would you read first?

  1. Start your strategy with a clear goal
  2. Take account of your target group in your communications
  3. Why content marketing is nonsense

I’ll answer for you, because I’m pretty sure you’d go for the 3rd option, even though you yourself work in content marketing. That’s because the first two are far too obvious, while the third has real stopping power. You’re probably going to disagree with the author, but can't resist taking a look anyway. Frustrated, you read the piece in complete disagreement, and decide to share it on your social media while denouncing it. The important thing is, though ... you shared it. 

Perhaps that’s not the way you want your content to be shared, but you can invert the same idea to get a lot of shares from a positive perspective. Take an important or popular subject, and approach it from a less obvious angle. You could, for example, make an unexpected comparison (How to create better content by watching Netflix) or defend a controversial. The result will be that this type of content will be clicked and shared more often.

4. Emotion

As Point 1 showed, informative and practical content promotes sharing. However, you can also take the opposite approach, and post emotional content. It’s an inherent human characteristic to want to share emotions and feelings, both positive and negative. This is why friends and contacts on social media will really push you to engage with emotional content. You’re probably familiar with comments such as “This is so moving, you have to read it", or “Haha, watch this video”.

You can exploit the same thing in your content. Whether it concerns an emotional video, a humorous column, or a sad story. Unleashing an emotion on your target group will make them much more likely to share your content.

5. A Challenge

Although the last point is quite obvious, it’s sometimes forgotten: if you want people to share your content, just ask. Sometimes it can be very simple, such as the famous ‘World Record Egg’ posted by the Egg Gang with a message asking people to help make it the most liked post on Instagram, which set a world record.


It goes without saying that you don’t have to be so blunt and literal. Simply asking people to share a post or article with the reasoning that it will then reach more people often works very well. If your followers support your message, they’ll often be more than willing to share your content.

This recommendation doesn’t apply to ‘Share & Win’ competitions, which are banned on most social media. They can indeed result in content being shared, but very rarely promote any affinity with your brand.

Measure How Often Your Content Is Shared

So there you have them, the five triggers: satisfaction, amazing design, an element of surprise, emotion, and a challenge. From now on, try to use at least one of these triggers in your content, and use your social media planner to measure whether your posts are being shared more. Do you use a social media monitoring tool? If you do, you can immediately see if and how often your web pages, blogs or articles are shared.

By the way, did you enjoy this blog? Do you think it could help your network? Please share it on social media, and spread the word.



How Binge Watching Netflix Can Help Improve Social Media Content

The Best Way to Tell a Story

Storytelling has been a hot item in marketing and communication for at least a decade. Compared to standard posts, lists, or even blog posts like this one, stories are more entertaining, easier to remember, and stimulate deeper emotions. The problem is that few marketers and communication consultants really understand the technique of telling a good story,

which is why it’s a good idea to see how the professionals in the entertainment industry do it. Netflix is home to hundreds of documentaries that move us, make us laugh, or grasp our attention in some other way, and have little in common with monotonous videos crammed with information. Netflix teaches us that it’s often the story behind the news that attracts our attention, not the dry facts.

It’s a trick that lots of media companies have already copied. The greatest example of storytelling I ever came across was an article in Dutch newspaper Het Parool about a mysterious Japanese who wrote letters to a hotel in Volendam over a period of 40 years. The story was incredibly long: no less than 5,971 words, but apparently that’s not an obstacle if the content’s good enough. It was shared more than 500 times on Twitter.


It’s now time for social media marketers to follow in the footsteps of Hollywood and get their storytelling skills out there. So copy Netflix, and steal the show on social media by telling gripping stories.

The 80/20 Rule

Why has everyone, or almost everyone, heard of Netflix series such as Breaking Bad, La Casa de Papel and Narcos, but are much less aware of films such as Luka Chuppi, Les Goûts et Les Couleurs and Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Larga?

For every successful series on Netflix that goes viral, there are at least 4 much less popular ones. Your media content probably follows the same pattern, with 20% of your posts scoring around 80% of your views. However, as Netflix shows, this doesn't have to be a problem, and in fact the broad array of content with the occasional viral success is one of the reasons Netflix appeals to a wide audience and has been so successful. It’s something you should consider when analyzing your content. Posts with fewer likes, clicks or comments may not be irrelevant after all, but useful for the more discerning.

A Blend of Your Own and Curated Content

What hits you when you open the Netflix app is the pride with which the company presents its own work: the Netflix Originals. Netflix is not just a streaming service for series and films, it has also been operating as a production company in its own right for a number of years. Although Netflix exploits its own unique productions to distinguish itself from other providers of video content,

the brand could never have achieved so much success by being solely dependent on its own shows. A large part of its content is therefore curated, shared content, sourced from other production companies.

The strength of Netflix is a result of this blend of in-house and curated content, and you could also use it as a success formula for your own social media content. Sometimes marketers are simply too reluctant to borrow content from others, or create links to this content. However, the very fact that you’re willing to share the good work of others, even if they are competitors, teaches people that you’re the person to follow for high-quality content in your domain, regardless of who creates it.

Formulas and Categories

It would be very impractical if you had to scroll randomly through every movie and series on Netflix to find something that interests you. Fortunately, the categories (such as movies with good reviews, comedy, thrillers) mean you can quickly find what you’re looking for, and if you like one episode of a series, you immediately binge watch the whole season.

A lot of marketing content is less well organized. Have a look (we did, and know there is plenty of room for improvement): are you already using content categories, formats or series? Can customers or prospects rely on you posting content at fixed times on fixed days? Is there an easy way for your target group to only follow your content? If you organize all these aspects properly, your content will match the personal wishes of your followers.

Sit Back and Relax

Do you know how to make better content? By letting go from time to time. Creative minds benefit from some downtime, and there’s nothing like doing nothing to get the creative juices flowing. So, if you suffer a bout of writer's block, chill on the sofa with some soda and snacks, and lose yourself in Netflix. Even though your employer is unlikely to approve your evenings in front of the TV as working hours, you’ll still be an unstoppable content engine the next day. Enjoy it!


Coosto and GDPR: 1 year later

Maintaining privacy
Well before the GDPR came into force, we have informed our clients about the impact of the new law. As part of our preparations, every client has received a GDPR information kit, including interactive webinars and an informative guidebook. Since then our dedicated privacy team has been the point of contact within Coosto for all GDPR related questions clients might have. This team yearly checks and verifies what we agreed upon with our clients, in terms of the GDPR. 

Data management feature
We have enriched Coosto for our customers with the Data management feature, which was specially developed for GDPR. This feature enables Coosto users to independently comply with requests for access, deletion, limitation or transfer of their own and customers’ personal data from within the tool. 

Privacy is a high priority for Coosto. We are happy that we were able to help our clients in complying with GDPR in time. But it does not end there. We are closely following and supporting developments in this domain, and we will continue our efforts to protect the privacy of Coosto users and their customers. 


No time to get to grips with social media? 5 tips to take back control

1.Know What You Want (And What You Don’t Want)

First of all, you have to make some decisions. What do you want to achieve and who do you want to reach with your content? First decide the big picture, then zoom in on the details. Where do you want to be in a year, for example, and what do you need to get there? Then define the marketing objectives of your content strategy. Are you trying to generate more leads, or increase the number of visitors to your website or blog? Are you aiming to improve customer satisfaction ratings? Whatever your objective, the first step is to make decisions when defining your strategy. These decisions will keep you focused. Prioritizing one aspect will automatically make another less relevant. If you find yourself spending a lot of time on the less important things, cut them out.

2. Decide What to Use in Your Content

What information does your target group need? Decide the kind of content your target group needs in each phase of the buyer's journey. Create an overview of your target group’s preferred content, and make decisions on aspects such as Evergeen or Ephemeral content. You also have to think ahead
about annual events, special days and special moments. For inspiration, take a look at a social media engagement calendar and select the relevant moments to engage that benefit your organization or brand. You’ll be surprised how much you can figure out in advance.

3. Be Consistent

Select those topics and themes you want to focus on with your brand, and convert them into recurring headings. For example, you could start the Monday with news, or end the week with a summary. If you’ve got a large group of followers who post ideas about your product, you could highlight these once a week.

Habits and recurring items appeal to people, because we like things to be predictable and structured. For example, every morning and afternoon I receive a news update from an online news channel, which I use to find out about the previous night’s news while I’m having breakfast. Come up with a content format, and think about how often you publish your posts.

4. Plan Your Content Ahead

It might sound dull, but make sure you plan ahead. Schedule editorial meetings, and think about what you want to say in the coming week, fortnight or month. Does it reflect your strategy? Think about what you want to say, and on which day. How do you make sure you interact enough with your target group? When are you going to publish your posts? You’ll actually find it a load off your mind if you think ahead and make sure there’s enough content. It will leave you with time and mental space for fun, creative and ad hoc ideas.

You can also use a content planner to help plan ahead. All kinds of hardcopy planners are available online that will help you get a clear overview of your posts. The advantage of digital planners and content calendars is that they can be linked to your social media accounts and automatically publish your posts, saving you a lot of manual work. Handy! Another advantage of an online content calendar is that you can measure the effect of your social media posts. This brings us to tip number 5.


5. Measure Your Results

Make sure you understand the results of all your efforts. The only surefire way to know if your content is effective is to measure it. Do you remember your objectives? Use UTM Tracking Codes in Google Analytics to identify the content that led your target group to your website, and how they behave on it. This can reveal which posts are most likely to lead to clicks and conversions, for example.

If you also use a publishing tool, you can measure the reach of your posts, how often a post has been clicked, what approach works best, and what posts have the highest interaction rate. Make sure you understand what you’re doing, and use the data you obtain to improve next time around by adjusting your objectives and strategy. If content is successful, continue with it, and if it’s not, try something different. This is the way to get an overview, clear your mind and achieve your objectives without wasting time.

Hopefully these tips will put you on course to take back control of your online communications. If you have some more ideas, please share them!

If you’d like to experience the benefits of using a content calendar, try out Coosto Publish for free.



Social Media Predict: Israel Will Win Eurovision Song Contest

Just like every year, the Eurovision Song Contest promises to deliver an enormous diversity when it comes to outfits, musical genres and acts. Whether it’s Hungary’s metal band or Estonia’s opera singer: they all aim for the coveted top of the podium. We analyzed which country is the best bet for a series of ‘douze points’ according to social media. A remarkable first fact: the biggest source in these predictions isn’t Twitter but Youtube, where fans are climbing over each other to speculate about potential winners.

Israel is social's favourite

Predicitions: social media vs bookmakers

It looks cut and dried that Israel will take home the victory, just ahead of runner-up Norway, social media and bookmakers (odds of May 30th) agree. But does social media trump the bookies when it comes to the other spots? We’ll know May 12th. 


In order to predict, we counted the number of messages on social media about a certain country or artist in relation to the Eurovision Song Contest. We corrected this number for the degree of positivity or negativity (a vexed Eurovision act isn’t necessarily a popular act, obviously).