How do you reach the target audience with compelling content? That was one of the challenges faced by the marketing team at WWF. A broad reach, especially through social media, is essential to make a difference. Only in this way can WWF's message stand out and create impact. But what are those exact pain points, and how do you ensure that a social media post does deliver the desired reach? The answer lies in the numbers.
"It was sometimes challenging to present the figures and data clearly and then use them for our content strategy," says Frank. WWF needed a user-friendly tool that could help them understand the online audience and stimulate online discussions. In short, the content strategy required improvement.
Fortunately, WWF now measures and demonstrates the success of content clearly through in-depth reports and live dashboards: "Thanks to Coosto, we can now focus on creating impactful content without spending a lot of time on lengthy reports. Moreover, the tool is very user-friendly."
WWF uses Coosto for more than just analyzing social media and content results. They measured the reach and, through Listen, were able to quickly respond to online conversations:
"An exciting event was scheduled for WWF in the European Parliament, where we advocated for the preservation and restoration of nature. Thanks to Coosto, we could prepare our posts and engage in the conversation on social media with the goal: #notwithoutnature. This hashtag marked a short but powerful collaborative campaign among all green NGOs in the Netherlands, where social listening played a crucial role in quickly responding to online discussions."
Through Listen, we also had immediate insight into the responses to this campaign and how much this hashtag was picked up by others.
The daily use of Coosto has become the norm for Frank and his team: "We use Coosto daily for content planning, analyzing message statistics, and adjusting our content goals."
"The results of WWF's use of Coosto are remarkable," says Frank. "Social media is a matter of experimentation. With Coosto, we immediately see whether our content is working or not. We adjust our content strategy based on the results and observe which formats perform the best. This has led to better content and increased engagement from our followers." Thanks to Coosto, WWF's engagement rate has increased by 147.5% on platform X and by a whopping 811% on TikTok. As the cherry on top, there's a 1478% increase in the average number of impressions on TikTok!
In addition, WWF uses Coosto to discover new opportunities, such as optimizing publication times using the Post Optimizer.
"Thanks to Coosto, I started scheduling posts in the evening, something I wouldn't have dared to do before," says Frank.
The recommended times from the Post Optimizer have indeed made a difference: the posts reached a larger audience and led to greater engagement. These significant results contribute to the amplification of the message's impact.
Thanks to Coosto, WWF can continually refine their content strategy and purposefully increase its impact. A social media and content tool like Coosto is indispensable for WWF to better respond to online discussions and optimize content. We look forward to the continuation of this successful partnership and the impact WWF will continue to make.
Collaboration is one of WWF's core values, and Coosto supports them in realizing their mission to protect and restore nature.
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