Coosto is continuously analyzing millions of online sources to sort all indexed content based on algorithmic Trending Scores. Match your content with the most popular and timely topics to become the talk of the town and increase your brand's reach.
Check out the best performing content in your market and 18 additional categories. Instantly see which content resonates with your target audience and use the endless flow of inspiration to create conversion-boosting content.
Are there topics, trends or hypes that resonate with your audience? Coosto makes sure you can see them coming a mile away. In one single glance you will know what content to create in order to be part of the conversation of tomorrow.
Discover trending content through the Content Analyzer system, that is continuously scanning millions of sources.
See the speed at which an article or blog post is gaining popularity with algorithmic trending scores
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Look beyond your own industry and explore the most discussed content in 18 general categories.
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Discover the potential media reach of a news article or blog post to help you decide whether to tap into it.
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