Powerful filters for real-time industry insights

See only trending content that’s relevant to your industry, thanks to powerful filters. Always up-to-date, highly relevant, and ready for immediate use.

Real-time trending scores

Our intelligent trending scores predict content growth by continuously analyzing media reach, social shares, sentiment, and engagement—giving you real-time insight into rising popularity.

Trending input for new content

Gain valuable insights into popular hashtags, authors, trending topics, and top-performing social media posts. Use these insights as input for your content, based on emerging trends.

Increase your impact using these features

Content analyzer

Discover trending content thanks to the Content Analyzer system browsing millions of sources

Trending scores

Instantly see how fast an article is rising in popularity

Market analysis

Stay up to date on emerging trends in your market and across 18 categories

Social reach

Discover the potential media reach of news or blog articles to assess their relevance for your brand

Sentiment analysis

Understand the sentiment surrounding relevant and trending content on social media

Social links

See how often content is shared on social media to estimate its popularity


Analyze audience engagement through comments and discussions around trending articles

Realtime alerts

Receive email notifications as soon as a topic, article, or theme starts trending in your industry

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Endless content inspiration with Coosto

Pleun Eykman

Online communications advisor

Municipality of Breda

"We use Coosto to manage our entire content process from A to Z. It’s the foundation of all our work within the Newsroom of the Municipality of Breda."

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Ziekenhuis aan de Stroom
Company name

Bart Ledegang

Communications Specialist


‘’We find Coosto to be the most user-friendly online marketing tool on the market. Compared to other tools like Hootsuite, it’s much more complete and intuitive, which makes communication through social media a real success!"

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Get started with Discover

Our experts in impactful trending social media content are happy to explore how Coosto can support you.

All the ins and outs of trend tracking, based on thousands of use cases


A guided tour of Coosto’s AI-driven trend detector by one of our experts


Frequently asked questions

  • How is the trending score of (news) articles determined?

    The Trending Score is a weighted sum that indicates how quickly an article or blog post is gaining popularity. Coosto’s Content Analyzer scans millions of sources in real time and ranks all content based on algorithmically calculated Trending Scores.

  • How do I use trending content as input for new content?

    Trending content is the perfect starting point for social media posts that tap into what’s relevant for your audience right now. Use it as input for Coosto’s AI Content Generator and quickly create new, engaging content.

    Found a relevant article that you want to share immediately on your social channels? You can do that too! Simply click ‘Create post in Publish’ at the bottom right and get started right away.